Here's a record that scores a big goose egg on the ol' web-o-meter. I can't find a single reference to it anywhere on the net. Well, okay there's one thing but it's mislabeled. More on that in a bit.
I don't know a thing about the Mystic Five or its record. It sounds like it's from the late 50's/early 60's. "Sultan's Holiday" is an instrumental that starts with some good drums, then the horns kick in. There's some nice sax that gets a chance to solo for a bit and then the guitar gets its chance to play the lead. All of this is delivered over a bed of cool percussive sounds. Speaking of which, the drums take the lead after the guitar and then the horns come back in to play the main theme. Nice record and mighty obscure, it seems.
The one reference I did find on this disc is from yet a another WFMU playlist. This time the program is Fool's Paradise. The playlist mislabels the band as the "Mystics" but it's indeed the same song, as the show can be accessed in real audio. "Sultan's Holiday" is the first tune played, right after the show's theme song. The show itself sounds terrific. Give it a listen.
The were at least a couple of 60's garage bands that used the Mystic Five moniker. This record sounds like it predated the garage era by a few years.
i just picked this one up. i haven't heard it yet, but i'm hoping from the comments above that it's good. i also have another 45 by the mystic five called "explosion"that's an instrumental killer. very surfy with guitars and explosion sound effects. i'm now wondering if it's the same band???
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