Saturday, August 14, 2010

Pancho Villa and the Bandits: "Ain't That Bad" (Symbol)

Hello, everyone, and welcome to another infrequent post on this blog. But the wait will be worth it because what I'm about to present to you is a total monster soul cut. It's "Ain't That Bad" by Pancho Villa and the Bandits and let me tell you, this thing SMOKES! It's got lots of gritty guitar punctuated by the lead vocalist shoutin' and screamin' a whole lotta stuff that you don't know what it's about, but you don't care because it sounds so cool.

I don't know much about the band because, as par for the course, I couldn't find anything. But I do know that this is from 1964 as it was listed in Symbol's discography. I've also heard this played on WFMU's mandatory "Fool's Paradise With Rex" and he says it's on the Pee Vee label, so I guess Symbol must have picked it up for national distribution.

Whatever the case, do yourself a favor and immerse yourself in the smoky, dirty grooves. In short, check this out and crank it loud. It just might make you a happy puppy, trust me.


Todd Lucas said...

Love this record. It'll definitely be on my favorite finds list, at the end of the year.

Anonymous said...

right, a real beauty!

thanks for posting

MichaelVee - MIlano