I found this at a used record store in Austin, Texas in 2001 and it immediately became one of my faves. Granted, "In My Heart" isn't too much, but it was designed for young lovers to hold each other close and smooch to, so it's not my cup o'joe anyway. "Don't You Know," on the other hand, is a wild, frantic teen rocker with rumbling bass, frantic guitar and drums set on warp speed. The singer's got this wild falsetto that he uses in between words. In fact, his call opens the record as the band starts in rockin'. Then, they pause a second and he sings oud "Don't you knowwwwwwww." The drums kick in and the guitar bass follow along in rapid precision. And the singer keeps singing his heart out, "so walk with me, walk me down the aisle, so baby, ooooooooooooooooooooooo.....and there comes that crazy howl again! We pause and get ready for another round of super-fast rock 'n' roll for the remainder of the song. And the thought came to my mind: "YEAH! This one's a keeper!" Don't know anything about the group, though. Info is appreciated as always.
Saw Rico and the Ravens live at the Chez Voud Ballroom in suburban Philadelphia (Upper Darby, Pa. to be exact) in 1964. Couldn't believe the notes the litle guy hit. Yep, Don't You Know will really get your heart thumping. Great oldie.
I played in a band backing Rico (Martin) in the early 70's. It was long after his little run of success. He had an amazing voice, but like many talented young people, he self destructed by a lack of discipline and focus. Haven't seen him or heard of his whereabouts in more then 30 years.
My name is James Foust. I was the guitarist and leader of the group Rico and the Ravens. I have not been in touch with the other members for over 30 years. I'm presently playing guitar in a contempory Rock Blues group.
My name is Jack, I grew up in the Philly area and played tenor in a number of local bands. Our band had a little weekend jam session with Rico and a black dude on drums around 1967. We did the song Don't You Know. Quite an honor, as it was a well known "oldie" by that time. The reason for the jam was that we were considering backing Rico... or he having us back him. Any way... it didn't happen. But I do remember hearing about his, already alluded to) troubles with drugs.
Those were the days....
This is GK Wallace, aka "Georgie". John Jackman, the bassist brought me in to play Hammond organ with Rico and the Ravens off and on during late '65 through'67 maybe early '68. Played Rutgers, Temple U. and a lot of clubs with Jimmy Faust, great guitarist, Jackman, terrific bass,big drummer named Terry, and a great saxman,"Junebug"among others. Rico was talented, but inconsistent, unfortunately.I also played the Philly area with"Blues Image", " After Sixes", and mostly " The Fabulous Flares". Then got drafted. Great times. Still playing, though.Have keyboards, will travel!
I love you Stoney. Tell it like it is. Check out the name Richard Martin-Ross, and you'll know what I've been up to. I never stopped singing or playing.
great bands frequently never make great money! luck, bad fortune, or other things block greatness---in the end, it's nobody's fault. things unfold in a different way or unexpected manner, it rarely diminishes their greatness. willie from philly
Whatever the reasons of the previous posters on here ... I just want to wish "Rico" all my best. We care about you. And thanks mucho for your music.
Rico my man Tommy Drakeford, been a long time since we made music. Never forget the night I had to back up for Big Boy Pete. I see Dennis every once in a while, no one else though.
Tommy Drakeford. Damn Drake, it's been too long. This is Rico. Of course I remember. You're the greatest my brotha'.
I remember around 1961 or so, walking down my street in Norristown and passing a guy an inch taller than me, with long dark hair, combed back in a DA. He was wearing a black leather jacket and walking with an attitude (confident). My friend told that was Rico of "Rico and the Ravens. I was too young and had never heard so him. Then I was told he had been in trouble for using Marijuna. Something very shocking in that day and age.
Scotty to say I never did get to heR him play. I did not get into music to later in life.
I lived in LA for several years, wish we could hav met up. I knew a lot of bands.
Happy you are still in the music.
I am Norristown boy who also was younger than you but met you as a boy often. I caught you in LA several years back and tried to talk with you. Didn't happen. Glad to hear you're still rockin.
Mad Max and the Wild Ones doing a killer version of Don't You Know
Hi Rico carole sue here (BHS) glad to hear you are doing well. I thought you were great then, I'm sure you're still great.
Hey Rico, if you are reading this, I'm a DJ from Lithuania, and Don't You Know is getting people jumping in any party that I play. Amazing stuff, hope you're doing well and will definitely check out the stuff you're currently up to!
Happen somehow (who would have thunk it?) to have turned 71 and one of my many early music memories was dancing to Rico and the Ravens at a Lehigh U frat circa 1965-6. A freshman friend had buddies at the frat and Rico's band was way more fun than the mixers. I couldn't believe how wonderful the music was and think I saw the band at least 4 times. Had an English dude in the dorm (looked like Stevie Winwood) who brought a Hammond B-3 to school and played Midnight Hour all the time. Have sung in Blues Bands for many years and I thank Rico for helping kick it off. Hope he's still hosting the jam in LA. I ever make it out there will definitely stop in. Good to be remembered in a good way, a good life.
Go Rico! Marty in DC
Omg, Richard!
You and i grew up together in Bridgeport,Pa about a million years ago!
We took dance lessons together at Miss Peggy's school of Dance!
When you became Rico, I would go to the East Norriton Fire House dances just to hear you and your band.
Where have the years gone? I was back in old B port a few years ago and ran in to your sister!
I live in Houston now and not many here relate to doo-wop or occapella.
So i subscribe to sirius xm, and tonight bobby b played your song on channel 5. I
Such good memories.
Be well,
Cyndi Lombardi a.k.a. Cynthia Albanese
Bridgeport high class of ' 66
I am trying to find the connection to Rico & The Ravens and the Skatt Bros. Album titled, "Rico & The Ravens" an American band that release this album only in Australia
It cannot be a coincidence.
This is an amazing piece of history, I hope this page gets archived because Rico and the story of his music needs to LIVE ON! Rico and the Ravens FOREVER!
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