This little piece of soul-stompin' magic came out on the mighty Fortune label in 1964. Poor Mr. Turner would have to wait for three more years before he would have a hit with a novelty cover of "Stand By Me" on MGM. This here, though, is the real stuff: down 'n' dirty soul with Spyder wailin' to his girl about ridin' in his 225 while the backup singers coo "Talkin' about you!" And the rhythm section pulls in a big punch, too. The B-side is an okay jazzy instro knock off that does start out pretty cool: It starts with a voice going, "Hey, Mr. One-Stop record shop, I'm looking for this record, it goes like this," and on into the song more or less. The Spyder Turner side, though, is the one that's really worth your ears and it chalks up as another amazing side from this amazing label.
1 comment:
Okay, I give up, how do I get at this bad boy?
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